Saturday, July 10, 2010

Update on Life


I don’t know where this letter finds you, but I want you to know that I’m thinking of you and praying that wherever you are, you recognize the presence of the almighty God right beside you. As you are there and I am here, let me tell you about what’s happening in Mendoza.

As you might know I have been working as a volunteer in a preschool in my neighborhood. It has been such a great opportunity to get to know the children of the area, to see how a preschool is run, to take ideas and create new ones, and most importantly to bring the presence of God into a dark place.
These children need His love. They are, at such a young age (3 years old), acting in ways that I wouldn’t want my child of any age to act. They come from a lower class in society where abuse just might be a part of their little lives, where hunger is seen on a small scale, where violence is a daily occurrence and seen as normal. These kids need role models, examples to follow and that is way God has called me to this place, to love them, protect them, teach them, stand up for them, and show them abundant life in Jesus.

This month we were able to participate in a movement/protest against the legalization of homosexual marriage and child adoption. There have been two of these events with more than 1000 people standing up for God’s original design for family. It is possible that due to the rising up of so many people all over Argentina, the law might not be approved!

I continue praying and seeking God’s guidance as to the steps we are to take in moving the Kid’s Center ministry forward. What does God have in mind? What are the next steps we are to take? Who will be apart of this ministry (directly and indirectly)? Where should we buy property and build? These are all questions that only God knows the answers to, the key is to seek His heart and discover His will.

I had an accident about a month ago and hurt my neck and back. I did two weeks of physical therapy and am feeling much better. While I was attending the sessions I had the opportunity on various occasions to tell the therapists about my faith and the gift of salvation! The word of the Lord never returns void and I pray that this seed will take root in their hearts and that they may come to know God personally.

Please keep me in your prayers as I continue to live by faith daily extending His kingdom. God has brought me to a deeper level with Him; I am learning to walk daily sustained by His miracles. May God give us strength each day to die to ourselves and put Him on the throne. He knows best and has authority over all things!