Wednesday, March 26, 2008

The Challenge...who will step up?

Yesterday God challenged me.
I am a small group leader at my church's middle school youth group.
At the beginning of the night, all the leaders gather together and talk about what's happening that night and then we pray together. Well...last night started out like any other night. We all gather, talk, pray, and then go love on kids! Well, when we got together, one of my dear friends and fellow leaders, got a call that our "sound guy" (a friend for quite sometime) Evan, had just raced to the hospital because his mom had just been rushed there. Lynn was an amazing woman of God. she had battled cancer for many years, but faithfully came to church because of her love for God! A few minutes later we got another call...this time from Evan...his mom was now with Jesus. Many tears were shed last night, but we know that Lynn is in a better place with a new, healthy, beautiful body, standing before the throne of God! As the leaders and myself included, got together a couple more times to decided what exactly we were going to do, God spoke to me. "I have something i want you to share with all the kids, Carissa" "Uh, now God? we're all a bit disoriented. Are you sure, God?" "Yes, there is no better time than now." "Okay God, give me words to speak."
i went to a couple leaders and told them what i had to do and then i was "scheduled" to speak right before worship time. So, when it was time, i went up on stage and began to speak. And this is what the Lord brought forth:

"God spoke to me tonight and challenged me to challenge you. As you all know, Evan's mom has gone to be with God. And now God is telling me that i need to live each day to the fullest according to His will. We all need to thank God for the little things. The things like waking up in the morning, having a family, and even for life itself. We need to live like there's no tomorrow. I don't know how many of you middle schoolers
go to church here on the weekends, but we are doing a series right now that's called "Live like you are dying". Are we living like we're dying? you need to tell the people you love that you love them. you need to be the example for Christ TODAY! God does not promise us long life, so we need to live for Him NOW! NOW is the time to make the decision to follow Christ, NOW is the time to be the helping hand to someone in need. NOW is the time to step out and be the example. Many of you have come here for awhile,
you have the heard the Word, you know the truth, now all you have to do, is LIVE IT OUT! Live for God NOW!"

that's the challenge...are you willing to accept it? Are you going to step up?

Monday, March 24, 2008

It's all about Time...

I have not written in so very long! wow..time passes so quickly.

Speaking of passing time...i leave for Argentina in just 10 Days!!!!
God is so good and has done amazing things getting me ready for this trip!
He overwhelms me with His presence and His voice speaks His love through the beautiful creations around me!!!

A passage of scripture that came to mind...

Ecclesiastes 3:1-8
"There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under Heaven:
a time to be born and a time to die,
a time to plant and a time to uproot,
a time to kill and a tie to heal,
a time to tear down and a time to build,
a time to weep and a time to laugh,
a time to mourn and a time to dance,
a time to scatter stones and a time to gather them,
a time to embrace and a time to refrain,
a time to search and a time to give up,
a time to keep and a time to throw away,
a time to tear and a time to mend,
a time to be silent and a time to speak,
a time to love and a time to hate,
a time for war and a time for peace."

I think that we all need to remember that God's timing is perfect in everything.
whether building a relationship with a friend or letting it rest;
whether going or staying; whether refreshing others or being refreshed;
whether choosing to speak or choosing to listen,
everything we do should be done in its time.

It's now time to end this post. :)

Saturday, March 1, 2008

Product of Peace

Many thoughts cross my mind as i prepare for YWAM. What will it be like? How many people will be at the school? Will it be hard?...But the question that has come into my mind that most is: Am i going to have enough money to even get there?

People kept telling me that i shouldn't worry. if it God's will, He'll pay the bill.
i knew that in my head, but it wasn't really settling in my heart. i kept worrying about, but i knew i couldn't get more hours at my job because i have school. It kept getting to me. if i don't have the money, then i can't go and if there is no way to make more money...than how am i going to be able to get there?
One week at church, our pastor was talking about money and what we should be doing with it. He talked about how we need to let go of ownership of our money and really give it to God. I felt very convicted, so i decided to go up and receive prayer at the end of the service. Pastor Steve prayed over me and spoke some great things into my life! i felt God's presence there, telling me that it was going to be alright, i have nothing to worry about. Peace began to settle in my heart. Since then, i have felt completely different about my money and i know that God will any circumstance.

Today i got a letter in the mail from some very good friends in Oregon. They sent me a note telling me that they would be praying for me as i head to Argentina. Enclosed was a check...for $500!!!!!! yes. FIVE-HUNDRED DOLLARS!!!!! i was in soooo much shock i just sat there and laughed!!! God has a way of blessing us so much, all we can do is laugh and look back and think about how silly we were for ever doubting God's faithfulness to provide our every need.
i now know that God heard my cry...even with a lack of faith. He is faithful and just to carry out His work until completion!!!!

I am holding on to that peace knowing that God is with me wherever i go...even in Argentina, He'll be with me!

May God bring peace to calm the stresses of your life now and always!