Thursday, October 22, 2009

In Need of a Name

I need a name.

No a child has not been born.
No a new kitten, puppy, nor goldfish has been brought home from the pet store.

This is something that was conceived in the heart of God.
I have been thinking and praying about a name for this kid's center/daycare that I am starting.
As you may know, the idea of actually building came from a word from the Lord.

1st Chronicles 17 is the passage that lead me on this journey towards building a facility.

I am yet to have peace about a name for this place, and am open to ideas. I cannot guarantee that your idea will be used in the final choice of a name, but it may help in getting me a step farther!

I encourage you to pray about it and read 1st Chronicles 17, maybe you'll be inspired!

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